The Abbey

The Abbey

Community Center

"By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established,
through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures."

Finished Outside view; Photo donated by an anonymous donor.

For more information or details, please call the church
or Pastor Dave Burkhart.  God loves a cheerful giver. 
Just think how this facility can pull together a church family, community, county....
A facility made available for family gatherings, family fun nights,
social gatherings, dinners, benefits, concerts, fitness/health/wellness....
A facility to give God ALL the glory; for it is in Him that we live our lives.

Blessing to one and all.
Pastor Dave Burkhart

For Reserving The Abbey, please contact
Amy Helser - 419 604 9809 or

The Abbey will have multiple uses....

Vacation Bible School
Baby Showers
Wedding Reception
Boy Scout Troops
Girl Scout Troops
Community Meetings
4H Groups
Social Gatherings
Christian Outreach
Mission Outreach
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